Profile Builder 4 for SketchUp Single Commercial Perpetual License
The MOSE USEFUL plugin ever created for SketchUp is here! Check out the new features in version 4!
Profile Builder is one of the most popular extensions ever created for SketchUp. It is used by architects, builders, landscape architects, interior designers, urban planners, engineers, and more to model smarter, faster, and with the flexibility to adapt to design changes.

Stop Wasting Your Valuable Time
Stop modeling dumb lines, faces, and edges that can't adapt to design changes. Instead, create SMART PARAMETRIC walls, doors, windows, railing, roads, furniture, moulding, lighting, retaining walls, panel systems, foundations, framing, piping, and more! The possibilities with Profile Builder are ENDLESS!
Features Include:
- Build and Edit intelligent models of real building materials
- Define and save custom Profiles
- Parametric Assemblies (Combine unlimited profiles and components into a path-based parametric model!)
- Set the height and width of any profile
- Profile and Assembly browser
- Profiles stay upright on helical paths
- Extend / Split Profile Member tool
- Revolve a Profile
- Trimming tools
- Automatic orientation of profile extrusion along any path
- Full control of profile orientation along a path
- Smart-Path select Tool
- Span Assembly parts for creating incredible assemblies!
- Hole Tool for creating parametric holes and openings!
- Auto-assemble feature creates instant assemblies with one click!
- Set the height of an assembly
- NEW – Join Profile Members and Assemblies
- NEW – Select, move, copy, and edit holes