Laubwerk Plants Kit 19

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The following 10 temperate flowering ornamental species and cultivars are included in the Plant Kit 19. Each species or cultivar comes in 3 variations in one seasonal aspect (in full bloom), for a total of 30 models per Kit. Note that Kit 19 is a pre-release, with currently only one season and therefore offered at a reduced price.
Achillea millefolium 'Milly Rock Red'
A compact, clump-forming herbaceous perennial. Grayish-green, finely-divided foliage with strong, somewhat spicy aroma that persists when used in dried flower arrangements. Flattened clusters of small, bright red, umbellate flowers with yellow eyes. Blooms throughout the summer. Attractive to bees. Good fresh cut flower. Latin specific epithet millefolium means "thousand-leaved" in reference to the highly dissected foliage.
Centaurea dealbata 'Steenbergii'
A clump-forming, tall herbaceous perennial with pinnately lobed leaves, grey-hairy beneath. Showy, deep pink, cornflower-like flower heads, pleasantly scented. Blooms in summer. Attractive to bees, bumblebees, and other insects. Good fresh cut flower. Beautiful visual contrast between the matte foliage and the bright looking flower heads. Good fresh cut flower. Genus name comes from the Greek word kentauros meaning centaur.
Gaillardia × grandiflora 'Burgunder'
A bushy herbaceous perennial with erect but often sprawling stems and mid-green, long, narrow leaves. Deep red wine, solitary, daisy-like flower heads. Blooms from late spring to early fall. Attractive to bees, bumblebees, other insects, and goldfinches. Genus name honors Gaillard de Charentonneau, an 18th century French botanist.
Inula orientalis
A compact-growing herbaceous perennial with leafy stems with hairy, mid-green oval or inverted lance-shaped foliage. In summer, large orange-yellow daisy-like flowers emerge from very hairy buds. The ray florets are thin and wavy. Good cut flower. Attractive for butterflies and bees. Left seed heads on the plant feed the birds over winter.
Monarda fistulosa 'Cambridge Scarlet'
A long-flowering, clump-forming, tall, herbaceous perennial. Aromatic dark green leaves are lanceolate with a bronze tint. Terminal flower heads in whorls of two-lipped, deep scarlet flowers on different levels from midsummer to early fall. Attracts wildlife like bees and bumblebees. The popular variety was first introduced over 100 years ago. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral'
A tall, herbaceous perennial of upright habit with mid-green foliage that is clump forming and lance-shaped leaves. Panicles of delightfully fragrant, pure white flowers on erect stems in mid and late summer. Attractive to bees and butterflies, Excellent for cut flowers as this brings the delightful fragrance into the house. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Salvia nemorosa 'Blue Marvel'
Salvia Blue Marvel flaunts ultra-large flowers; the largest of all the Salvia nemorosa species. Bright violet-blue flowers will entice hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators; however, the scented grey-green foliage keeps deer and rabbits from nibbling. Winning top honors in two prestigious shows, this tough performer truly is a Marvel!
Sanguisorba officinalis 'Tanna'
'Tanna' is a clump-forming perennial to 50cm tall forming low mounds of blue-green, crimpedleaves each finely divided into oblong leaflets. Small, deep red, cylindrical flowerheads are borne above the foliage on wiry, branched stems from summer into autumn. It was bred by famous garden designer Piet Oudolf.
Saponaria officinalis
A rhizomatous perennial forming wide clumps of upright, stiff, unbranched stems bearing dark green, ovate leaves. Terminal clusters of fragrant light pink or white flowers in mid summer to early fall. Attracts hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and hummingbird moths. Roots and stems contain saponins, which cause boiled solutions made with soapwort to lather. Before phosphates this plant was used for washing lace, silk, and woolens. Also used as a shampoo. Hence the common names of "soapwort" or "latherwort". The common name "bouncing bet" (bet is short for Bess) is an old term from England meaning washerwoman.
Veronica spicata 'Blauteppich'
'Blauteppich' is a compact grower and bears bright indigo-blue flowers 4 t 6 inches in the summer months. This species needs good drainage, moisture and full sun, good for sunny borders and rock gardens. Keep dead flowerheads removed to prolong the bloom time.
All Laubwerk Plants in this Kit come in 3 variations in 1 seasons per species or cultivar.
Overview of the 10 species and cultivars included in Laubwerk Plant Kit 19.
Acer negundo Max 2013 Nitrous ViewportThe Laubwerk Player is a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Maxon Cinema 4D, or SketchUp that comes bundled with every Laubwerk Plant Kit. It loads the models and allows for easy selection and manipulation of the models, e.g.  choose between variations, ages and seasons and allows fine grained control about Level of Detail. See the Laubwerk Player page for a more detailed description.
Autodesk 3ds Max (2015-2024), Autodesk Maya (2018-2024, Win & Mac, Linux on request), MAXON Cinema 4D (R16-26, 2023, Mac & Win), Trimble SketchUp (2014-2023, Mac & Win) with V-Ray for SketchUp or Thea Render for SketchUp, and Vectorworks 2023.
Additionally, Python for customers to build their own importers into applications compatible with Python for Windows 2.7, 3.3- 3.4, MacOS X 3.5-3.8, Linux 3.4-3.8.
A computer that is capable of running your version(s) of 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, or SketchUp.
10MB of hard disk space and additional space for the Laubwerk Plants models.
Our aim is to make the installation process as easy as possible for you. If you like to get more information, we have compiled these Laubwerk Plant Kits installation instructions, including advanced topics such as considerations when working in a network.
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